# Lynx Tecnologia Lynx Test and Measurement

Aquisição de Dados
Cabos Especiais


  Brochure: MCS1000.pdf

MCS1000 is a signal conditioner that can be connected to several A/D and D/A converters.

Allows the connection with thermocouples, bridges, low voltage and current signals.

Being a derivate of ADS0500 (without a processor and A/D converter), it maintains the same appearance.

Options: Opcionais_MCS1000.pdf


  • 8 or 16 instrumentation amplifiers with differential inputs and selectable gain by intern switches (five options: x1, x100, x200, x300 and x600). Other gains: x500, x1000 or x1200, with a 2% precision, can also be selected. The x100 gain can be changed by the user to any of the other values by substituting one component;
  • Selectable input configuration for: thermocouples, direct voltage (from ± 10mV to ± 10V) and current (up to ± 40mA) input.
  • 2nd order low pass Butterworth filter with cut-off frequency of 35Hz, changeable by user (switching components);
  • Digital output: 16 TTL level digital outputs;
  • Digital input: 16 TTL level digital inputs;
  • 1 configurable signal input channel for: counting, frequency or period;
  • IP protocol for communication, Ethernet 10baseT standard interface;
  • Power supply: 110/220V AC adapter. Output: 12VDC. May also be energized with automobile battery.
  • Metallic casing. Dimensions: 45 x 310 x 250 mm (h x l x w);


  • Conditioner for ICP sensors (ICP option);
  • Conditioner for Pt100 sensors (Pt100 option);
  • Conditioner for Wheatstone bridge based sensors (BDG option), including:
    • ½ bridge, ¼ bridge 120 ohms and complete bridge;
    • Conditioner for potenciometric sensors;
    • Voltage generator (excitation voltage) configurable for: 2,5V, 5,0V or 10V divided into 8 channel groups (channels from the same group will always have the same excitation voltage);
    • Balance adjustment of Wheatstone bridges with the help of Trim-pot;
    • Calibration resistor insertion (Shunt-Cal through button);
    • Calibration resistor insertion (Shunt-Cal by Software (option AutSnt));
    • Automatic bridge based sensor calibration using automatic application of a Shunt-Cal resistor. Requires AqDados version 7 or higher and BDG option.